Jambo. Welcome. At GEMFUND.org, Real Fair Trade is at the forefront of what we’re all working towards together. Learn more about the positive impact we have and join us in bringing about positive change.
Consider joining our Social Enterprise as an Agent of Change. We invite you to explore our new Traceability and Transparency Technology (T3!), the world's first Block Chain network for Natural Gemstones that integrates Micro Royalties all the way upstream in the Value Addition continuum.
Join Us in Africa
Become a part of our work to empower Entrepreneurial Women in East Africa! Join us as we visit the gem and mineral sources and the spectacular animals of the world's premier National Park.
We have once in a lifetime Sustainable Travel Experiences in Kenya and Zanzibar for you and your travel companions - available to GEMFUND's Social Investors.
Or fill in the Form below to Volunteer in one of our programs this year at Taasisi ya Madini, next door to Tsavo National Park and LUMO Conservancy.
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Become a Social Investor
Contribute to Transformational Change and make a difference in Women’s lives in East Africa.
We have packages starting from as low as $100, as well as incredible Investment Opportunities from $1,000 to $2,500. ROI and adventurous perks included.

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We are registered and based in Nairobi, East Africa and are proudly owned and operated as a Social Enterprise by Women. Our focus is on the Artisanal and Entrepreneurial Mining Women in Kenya, and soon Tanzania and Nigeria. Here at GEMFUND.org, we are driven by a single goal; to do our part in making the world a better place for all - especially the Women and Men who contribute to the Value Creation of Gemstones. We strive to build productive relationships and make a positive impact with all of our projects.

GEMOLOGY & GEM POLISHING EDUCATION: With our organization’s mission always in mind, we strive to find new strategies for dealing with this challenge. Gem Learning is something that we take very seriously, and our team has created a "Taasisi ya Madini" - literally the first vocational Institute of Gems & Minerals outside of Voi, Kenya. This is where many of the Artisanal Miners live and near where they work. Of the estimated 500 Women and 1,000 Artisanal Mining Men living in Taita-Taveta alone, last year's enrollment of more than 30 Women is an impressive achievement, but with our new Partners this year we will accomplish even more. Already we have awarded 18 Certificates of completion to local miners and young people.
This year we will be expanding our projects to include young people at the Taita Taveta National Polytechnic, near Voi. This will include Gemology, Jewellery Arts and Gem Faceting.
VALUE ADDITION TOOLS EQUIPMENT & TRAINING: At GEMFUND, we are dedicated to stepping up our efforts in addressing this issue. We have created precision Gem faceting and polishing equipment, specifically for the Women's groups of Eastern Africa. These precision machines are available under the FACETMASTER brand and are affordable and accessible, unlike hobby machines from the U.S. which are not sustainable. Our goal over the next 12 months is to build these machines right in East Africa.
DOMESTIC & INTERNATIONAL EXPORT ASSISTANCE: We have laid the foundation for a Real Fair Trade system for Artisanal Women in Africa, reinforced by the world's first Traceability and Transparency Technology ("T3") with build-in Micro Royalties to insure that everyone benefits along the Value Addition Continuum. This year we have made major progress on this front. Our T3 Gemstones, fashioned by our students, are already becoming available at leading shops and dealers within Kenya. Please follow us on Instagram to learn more about our Partner Retailers.
WILDLIFE CONSERVATION MANAGEMENT: We are pleased to announce that we are initiating a major push into the field of human/wildlife co-existence with new Partnerships with LUMO Conservancy in Tsavo National Park and Colobus Conservation. The Elephant population in particular has a uniquely problematic relationship with Artisanal Miners in many of the communities we work in and this year we are taking a particular holistic approach to these challenges with a unique Pilot Project, along with continued support for the Sheldrick Foundation in Tsavo on rescue and reintegration.


Artisanal Mining Women
In the Taita-Taveta Region of Kenya alone, there are an estimated 500 Women who's primary income is derived from the Small Scale extraction of gemstone minerals. This is simply in the area that we are actively operating in, in this part of East Africa, (Artisanal Mining Men in the area, including day labourers, account for another 1,000 people.) We are proud to report that this year approximately 10% of these Women will attend our Tassisi ya Madini vocational school in Mwatate.

Become A Social Investor
For a Social Investmentor of as little as $250 or $500, we can all become Agents of Change and can offer you a better return than from almost any other investment vehicle. Contact us to learn how far we can take your funds, financially and socially.

We're trying to bring transparency and traceability to the jewellery industry by educating others about real origins. Because we work directly with the Women miners we can specifically track Gemstones truly from Mine to Market. We hope that our efforts will inspire more people in this field and create Real Fair Trade that benefits everyone on the journey of the Gem! We are passionate advocates for Value Addition within Tanzania and Kenya. This is revolutionary... Check out T3 to see why!

GEMFUND's Transformational Change Projects have begun to have a real impact on the economic well-being of the Women and Men we work with. In this our Fifth year we will announce important new Partnerships that will improve our efforts and our sustainability through the end of this decade.
“We are not a Charity. We are a Social Enterprise that is in the business of Transformation and Empowerment. From rough Mineral to polished Gem. From subsistence Farmers to successful Entrepreneurs.”
- James Biss, Founder

Rosemary Nyawira Muchangi,
Geologist & Chief Executive Officer
Here's What's New Today:
How far can your Social Investment go?
Purchase supplies and accessories for transforming rough minerals into polished Gemstones or Jewellery
Purchase a Gem Faceting device compete with training for collaborative Value Addition.*
*Receive a rare Gemstone that has been cut and polished by a specific Artisanal Woman with this tool - you'll know their whole story!
Provide a Scholarship for an Artisanal Mining Woman for Equipment, Transportation, Training in Gemology and Faceting, and other costs of learning at the new "Taasisi ya Madini" in Kenya.
Provide at least four Micro Loans for Artisanal Miners and other Women in the Gem Sector.*
*(Excellent Interest and repayment available to Social Investors! Plus receive a Gemstone that has been cut and polished for you by a special Artisanal Woman and learn all about them!)
Receive the VIP Treatment in Kenya and meet the Artisanal Women ... and the Wildlife in a incredible Sustainable Travel Experience!
Provide a Micro Loan for at least two Artisanal Miners and Gem Sector Women for Equipment, Transportation, Training, Inventory, Licenses, and more.*
*Receive a Gemstone that has been cut and polished by our Artisanal Women
Fund a Collaborative Faceting Machine for Women’s Polishing Group Use and Value Addition Training.
Fund Micro Loans for a Group of Artisanal Mining Women with Excellent Return on Investment and Repayment.
Receive the VIP Treatment in Kenya and meet the Artisanal Women at their mines and the Wildlife by private Game Drive in a World Class Sustainable Travel Experience!
And indulgent Diani Beach & Zanzibar awaits...
Get in touch with GEMFUND.org to learn more about our work and how you can get involved this year. We have exciting programs in Kenya and Tanzania - and we'd love to hear from jewelers, goldsmiths, gemologists and especially FACETERS who could help us virtually from anywhere with our innovative online efforts...